Drones for Preppers

 Preppers can significantly benefit from utilizing drones. These unmanned aerial vehicles could assist in reconnaissance and surveillance operations, providing real-time visuals of inaccessible or dangerous terrains. Additionally, drones equipped with thermal imaging can aid in detecting heat signatures, a crucial advantage during search and rescue operations, or when tracking wildlife. Therefore, incorporating drones into their toolkit can undoubtedly enhance a prepper's capacity to manage and respond to a wide array of emergency situations. The Suburban Prepper utilizes a small day time drone without night vision or thermal capabilities.

Drones can also be used for communication purposes, enabling preppers to maintain contact with their team members or loved ones in remote areas. With the ability to carry packages and payloads, drones can deliver essential supplies such as food, medicine, and equipment to inaccessible locations during emergencies.

Furthermore, drones equipped with advanced mapping and navigation systems can assist preppers in creating accurate maps of their surroundings, useful for planning and strategizing during crisis situations. They can also help in identifying potential hazards and escape routes.

Apart from disaster preparedness, drones can also aid preppers in everyday homesteading tasks. They can be used for aerial monitoring of crops and livestock, providing valuable insights into the health and growth of agricultural produce.

Thermal Drones are made by attaching a specialized thermal camera to the drone, allowing preppers to monitor and detect heat signatures of animals or intruders on their property. This technology can also assist in locating lost livestock or pets during natural disasters.

  1. Autel EVO MAX 4N: This drone is designed for night operations and features starlight night vision, zoom, thermal cameras, and full laser ranging capabilities. 
  2. Parrot Anafi Thermal: This drone is equipped with a thermal camera and can capture images.and videos in low-light conditions. 
  3. DJI makes several Thermal Drones : The Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual and the Matrice 300 RTK are two examples of thermal drones produced by DJI. These drones feature dual cameras, including a thermal camera, for enhanced situational awareness in emergency situations.

The Suburban Prepper is affiliated with Exo Drones. They offer several drones at different price points and needs of the prepper. The most advanced Exo Drone is the Blackhawk 3 Pro which has night vision capabilities and can carry payloads up to 1kg. This makes it perfect for search and rescue missions during natural disasters.

At present laws about flying drones in the United States can vary from state to state. It's important for preppers to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations in their specific area before operating a drone. Some general guidelines include registering your drone with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), flying below 400 feet, and avoiding restricted airspace or areas such as airports. If you are going to get a drone larger than 249 grams you must register it with the FAA. If a person has any intention of using the drone for any commercial purposes they must have a Remote Pilot Certificate. It's also important to keep in mind that flying drones over disaster areas could interfere with rescue operations and should only be done with proper authorization.

Drones require batteries so it is a good idea to have extra on hand. Some are controlled with an attachment to smart phone while others have a screen and flight controlls all in one. The Suburban Prepper prefers not having to use his smart phone will flying his drone so he opted for a drone with an integrated screen. Some drones also have the ability to return to "home" if they lose contact or their battery starts to run low, making it easier to retrieve in case of emergency.

Drones are a great tool for Preppers for the following reasons

  1. They are fun to fly. Not only can drones be used for practical purposes, but they can also provide entertainment during downtime. Flying a drone can be a great way to relieve stress and take your mind off of survival tasks.
  2. They provide aerial reconnaissance. Drones equipped with cameras allow for easy and efficient surveillance of large areas. This can be especially useful in search and rescue missions or scouting potential bug out locations. It also allows for a better understanding of your surroundings and potential threats. You will have Eyes in the Sky
  3. Drones are so small, it is hard to see them in the sky over 200 feet, making them a perfect covert surveillance tool. They can also be equipped with night vision cameras for better visibility in low light conditions.
  4. If needed small handwritten notes can be passed on for communications using a drone. This can be useful in situations where traditional communication methods are not available or compromised.

The bottom line is this, if you want a drone that can have more capabilities, it is going to cost more and requires a drone pilot licesse if you have any intensions of commercial work. My goal as the Suburban Prepper is to get a decent Thermal Drone which would facilitate night operations. There are larger drones with can be flown in to evacuate a person out of danger, but this type of drone requires much more. Learn what you want to do a far as havimg a drone and stick with it. The Suburban Prepper has an affiliation with EXO Drones and if you find that these drones are something you seek please order one through my affiliate link on Youtube or my website at www.suburbanprepper.info , either way do your own research into what you are willing to pay for a drone, the best way to do it is to get a cheaper drone at first, learn how to fly it and learn your limits and the drones limits and then go on from there. Most important is that it should be fun and useful.


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