
Showing posts from December, 2023

Prepping with Drones


Drones for Preppers

  Preppers can significantly benefit from utilizing drones. These unmanned aerial vehicles could assist in reconnaissance and surveillance operations, providing real-time visuals of inaccessible or dangerous terrains. Additionally, drones equipped with thermal imaging can aid in detecting heat signatures, a crucial advantage during search and rescue operations, or when tracking wildlife. Therefore, incorporating drones into their toolkit can undoubtedly enhance a prepper's capacity to manage and respond to a wide array of emergency situations. The Suburban Prepper utilizes a small day time drone without night vision or thermal capabilities. Drones can also be used for communication purposes, enabling preppers to maintain contact with their team members or loved ones in remote areas. With the ability to carry packages and payloads, drones can deliver essential supplies such as food, medicine, and equipment to inaccessible locations during emergencies. Furthermore, drones equipped w...

Infections that can occur during SHTF

  Infections that can occur during SHTF Tuberculolsis Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It primarily affects the lungs but can also spread to other parts of the body, such as the brain, spine, or kidneys. TB is a highly contagious disease and can be transmitted through coughing, sneezing, or even talking. The initial symptoms of TB are often mild and can be mistaken for a common cold or flu. These may include coughing, chest pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, night sweats, and fever. However, as the infection progresses, the symptoms can become more severe and may include coughing up blood, difficulty breathing, unintentional weight loss, and swollen lymph nodes. TB can be diagnosed through a variety of tests, such as a chest X-ray, sputum test, or blood test. A positive result from these tests does not necessarily mean that a person has active TB. Further tests, such as a culture test, may be needed to confirm the diagnosis. TB is treat...

History of the 22LR and why I love Eley 22 LR rounds

  The .22 Long Rifle (22LR) is a variety of rimfire ammunition that has a rich history dating back to the late 19th century. Introduced by the J. Stevens Arms & Tool Company in 1887, it was initially used in Stevens' line of tip-up, single-shot pistols and rifles. The 22LR was a modification of the .22 Long, boasting a larger propellant charge for enhanced performance. Over time, it gained popularity for its affordability, low recoil, and minimal noise, making it a preferred choice for recreational shooting, initial firearms training, small-game hunting, and pest control. Today, the 22LR remains one of the most widely-used cartridges globally, a testament to its enduring relevance in the world of firearms. The development of the 22LR was not without its challenges. Despite being a popular choice among shooters, it faced competition from other rimfire cartridges such as the .22 Short and .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire (WMR). Additionally, there were concerns about accuracy and re...

Meeting Other Preppers

  Finding like-minded individuals who share the prepping lifestyle can be a challenge due to privacy concerns. However, online forums and social media groups dedicated to prepping are a good start. Websites like or the Survivalist Boards forum offer spaces where preppers can discuss strategies, share experiences, and even organize meet-ups. Local classes or workshops on skills that preppers value, like first aid, bushcraft, or ham radio operation, may also draw a prepping crowd. Always remember, though, that discretion is key in these communities, and respect for others' privacy is essential. Connecting with other preppers can provide valuable resources and knowledge, but it's important to also foster a sense of community. Prepping is not just about individual survival, but also about working together to support and protect one another in times of need. Consider organizing or joining a local mutual aid group, where members can share skills and resources within...

Staying Alive for Preppers

  The Bee Gees' iconic track, "Staying Alive," has evolved into an anthem for preppers due to its thematic resonance with the survivalist mentality. Its pulsating rhythm and lyrics emphasizing resilience and perseverance echo the preppers' ethos of endurance and preparedness in face of adversity. The song's underlying message of maintaining self-belief and fortitude, despite challenging circumstances, aligns with the preppers' focus on self-sustainability and readiness for any potential crises. This connection between "Staying Alive" and the prepping community has only grown stronger over time, with the rise of disasters, political instability, and social unrest. The song's message serves as a reminder for preppers to stay vigilant and continue their preparations, no matter what is happening in the world around them. In addition to its thematic resonance, "Staying Alive" has also become a practical tool for preppers. Its beat of 103 bea...

Top 100 skills to have for Prepping

 Top 100\ First Aid Fire Starting Navigation Knot Tying Hunting Fishing Gardening Food Preservation Water Purification Building Shelters Tracking Trapping Knitting Sewing Butchery Leatherworking Blacksmithing Carpentry Plumbing Electrical Skills Cooking Baking Foraging Climbing Swimming Understanding Weather Patterns Basic Mechanics Herbal Medicine Security Measures Physical Fitness Mental Resilience Bartering Skills Leadership Skills Communication Skills Conflict Resolution Tactical Skills Resource Management Maintaining Hygiene Basic Veterinary Skills Bee Keeping Distilling Alcohol Cheese Making Carpentry Masonry Welding Radio Communication Candle Making Soap Making Rope Making Natural Dyes Production Basket Weaving Pottery Animal Husbandry Aquaponics Weather Prediction Astronomy Animal Training Archery Self-Defense Lock Picking Cryptography Map Reading Knife Sharpening Footwear Repair Solar Power Setup Wind Power Setup Rainwater Harvesting Natural Disaster Preparedness Waste Man...